Sindhurmani Ketu Dosh Nivaran Puja

In Vedic astrology, Ketu is considered the south node and is associated with granting Moksha. It is highly religious and gives similar results as Mars. While it’s a satvik planet, it is highly secretive in nature as well. Due to this secrecy, sometimes its difficult to diagnose problems at the early or right stage. A malefic Ketu is associated with a sudden loss of job, litigation, and other legal problems and family disputes.

A nicely placed Ketu plays the following roles in the life of a person.

  • High imaginative powers
  • Lack of multiple businesses
  • Money making ability
  • Inclination towards spiritual life
  • Vast knowledge about various fields
  • Good orators and spiritual leadership qualities
  • Utilize all opportunities
  • Natural radiance and attraction

Problems created by a malefic Ketu

Since a coin has two sides, Ketu, if placed wrongly can have the following effects on the person.

  • Litigation and disputes
  • Sudden loss of job
  • Unlawful and illegitimate nature
  • Addiction to wine and all narcotics
  • Illusions and wasteful activities
  • Do extra work and be paid less
  • Lack of personal hygiene and charisma
  • Being a swindler in nature
  • Making fake stories about supernatural experiences

One of the means to overcome the malefic effects of Ketu is Sindhurmani Ketu puja. The healing power of this puja provides relief from the negative effects of vishkarak planet Ketu in your horoscope when it’s afflicted or badly placed.

In this puja, Lord Ganesha is propitatited through Sindhurmani along with the beej mantras of malefic planet Ketu. These beej mantras are uniquely combined with various dosh nashak strotras along with Vedic mantras & puja vidhi.

Depending on the placement and intensity of the malefic effects of this planet, the number of mantras are advised by our highly reverent Vedic astrologers & Brahmins.


A highly qualified Indian Brahmins / Acharyas trained in Hindu Shastras will conduct your puja. We have Acharyas from biggest religious organisations, educational institutes, Sanskrit Vidyapeethss, highly revered priests from Benaras, Ujjain, Haridwar and other parts of the country. We have all educated and verified astrologers associated with Shubhpuja.

We combine science and mathematics in the Vedic practices and deliver our services

  • After you have made the booking, we will send you a confirmation email about your puja details
  • This puja is fully customized for you with your details and objectives to be achieved from the puja
  • We will send you a list of do’s and don’ts to be observed by you for the Puja. You can attend the puja LIVE through the link provided by us and we will share the puja location and details
  • You may also choose to attend the Puja personally or have a representative attend the Puja

This puja is an aid to heal all kinds of health related issues and heals the problem from its core. It helps to attain strength, energy and longevity.

When should this puja be performed:

  • Malefic planets Ketu are obstructing your life events including litigation & family disputes.
  • Secret adversaries or enemies at work who might backstab you
  • Sudden loss of job
  • Presence of malefic planet Ketu in your dasha / antardasha / pratyantar dasha
  • Malefic yogas created due to placement of Ketu in 6/8/12th house of your horoscope
  • Unknown diseases that cannot be diagnosed

How will this Ketu Puja be done by Shubhpuja?

The fruitful blessings of Lord Sindhurmani can be received by organizing a puja by our highly educated Vedic experts. Through sankalpa, samprokshana and dhyanam of Lord Sindhurmani, the mani is activated by Vedic chantsof the mantra. The frequency of the mantra and the mani is received by the devotee which provides him with strength and energy to resolve the problem. Then the dhupam, deepam, naivedyam and Havan / homam is done to gracefully end the auspicious ceremony.

Why only Sindhurmani puja?

Sindhurmani is an “ati durlabha ratna” i.e. it is a very rare gemstone found in the depths of Lakes and rivers. The sadhus and saints who have reached the culmination of yoga and have firmly situated in the process of self-realisation can achieve and identify this rare Sindhurmani.

Sindhurmani is nothing but a blessing of Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesha as it is also called as Soul of Lord Ganesha or effulgence of Lord Shiva.

It is blessed by Lord Shiva and Ganesha to attain perfection in any puja or worship whichever is performed with any motive and blesses the person with it’s long lasting benefits and cure.

Sindhurmani guarantees faster results and they are visible while the puja is going on.

How does Sindhurmani work?

Since it is a rare gem, the texts describing its use are further rarer.  As per the authentic texts which have been scientifically proven.

This mani has an aura of it’s on energy spectrum and radiates a huge amount of positive energy. This positive energy which is imbibed with the blessings of the Lord can heal the planetary bad effects on the person and can correct the influence of planets.