Shani Dhaiya Puja

The Shani Dhaiya Sati puja is specially meant for negating the bad effects of Shani which is present as a transitory planet during the time of Dhaiya on an individual. Every person has to face the same in his life, sometimes even numerous times which may cause irreparable losses.

And on the other hand, it can result in positivity as well when the correct remedies are done well in time so as to avoid all sorts of inconveniences. Shani, when pacified through authentic and authorized Vedic methods can bless the person with nectarine life. One can get tremendous amount of positivity if the Saturn is in the right direction.

Since the puja is very simple yet effective and essential for the person as each and every day is life a mountain for him, the delay should be minimized in order to ensure the safety and sanity of the person.

Although there are many advertisements in the market relating to instant result giving pujas for Shani through the method of Tantric practices, they are many-a-times misleading and misguiding since tantric practices are tamasic in nature and have high probabilities of firing back since they are very risky.

The chanting of Sattvic Vedic mantras creates an atmosphere which can be enlivening for the devotee which he himself feels. And being sattvic in nature, the demigods are easily pleased in less expenditure.
