Gomed – Natural Premium Gemstone

About Gomed / Cat’s eye

Gomed / Cat’s eye is an exquisitely white coloured gemstone which is one of the very beautiful representations of the planet Moon in the Jyotish shastra. Gomed / Cat’s eyeis one of the gemstones which resembles the moon in its appearance. It is termed as Chandraprastar in Sanskrit and Safed patthar in Hindi.

Associated day: Monday
Associated planet: Moon
Associated month: June
Associated zodiac sign: Cancer

Origin of Gomed / Cat’s eye

Sri Lanka and Madagascar are the best sources of Gomed / Cat’s eye. Gomedh / Cat’s eyes are also produced in large quantities in China and French Polynesia, which provides Cultured Gomed / Cat’s eyes and Tahitian Gomed / Cat’s eyes respectively
Pricing and quality of Gomed / Cat’s eye.

Typical Characteristics of Natural Gomed / Cat’s eyes on which their pricing is calculated are- Shape, Symmetry, Size, Color & Finish. Gomed / Cat’s eyes come in various shapes. Perfect Round & Symmetrical Gomed / Cat’s eyes are high on quality. Silver, White, Golden & Pink colors are most desirable colors in Gomed / Cat’s eyes. Small sized Gomed / Cat’s eyes (up to 4 carats) are comparatively more widely available. Bigger Sized Gomed / Cat’s eyes (more than 4 carats) are difficult to form, thus higher price. A Fine Quality Gomed / Cat’s eye should be Symmetrical in shape (Oval or Round) with Good Surface finish and Luster. Good Surface Finish means that the Gomed / Cat’s eye should not have visible dents, Cavities, and Spots on its surface.

Our prices are according to the current market prices of ring-sized Gomed / Cat’s eye stones. Gomed / Cat’s eye prices are further increasing internationally due to restrictions on Gomed / Cat’s eye mining worldwide.

Astrological facts about Gomed / Cat’s eye

Since Gomed / Cat’s eye represents the Moon planet in the astrological sciences, it is sought to have the best properties of balancing the negative aspects of the Moon if they are occurring to the person. While the Moon represents mind, health, sensuality, love and peace, the gemstone Gomed / Cat’s eye is said to eradicate the various ill effects of the Moon planet as well as a weak Moon or a wrongly placed Moon in the horoscope. It takes away sadness and gloom of the life and protects the individual from the ill energies.

Authentic Gomed / Cat’s eye from Shubhpuja.com

Since today’s world is a place where lot many people come out as so called well-wishers and have intentions to load their pockets rather than the heart of the people they are dealing with, there is a very less chance of getting something unadulterated quickly and easily. Since the standards of worship should be maintained in order to get the best of benefits, one must try his best to get the best offering for the lord.

We, at #Shubhpuja understand your hankering for the true as well as pure gem set and have come up to the strict resolution of not to compromise with the standards and quality of the products we are presenting to our dear client. Since our logo is “Everything begins with faith”, we aspire to create faith in the hearts of the devotees joined to us
Without letting unnecessary people come in between, we directly deal with the gemstone manufactures and company which are responsible for extracting the raw gemstone and finish it to the final cut as per the demand of our customer.

Since Acharyas and Pundits have to be consulted regarding the weight and shape of the gemstone, we provide you with the consultation of the same when you book the gemstone and present before you a practical step by step illustrated guide of all the know-hows so as to ease the process of understanding of the gemstone and its wearing.

On the request of our customers, we energize the gemstone according to the Vedic shatsras under the expert guidance and experience of highly revered Purohitas, Acharyas and Pandits. They are properly energized using secret, yet very powerful mantras which give instant result.

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1. Worship the ruling deity Gouri.
2. Recite Annapoornastotram.
3. Japa of Moon’s moola mantra: “ॐ श्रां श्रीं श्रौं स: चन्द्रमसे नमः”
4. Charity: Donate cow’s milk or rice on Monday.
5. Fasting: On Mondays.
6. Pooja: Devi pooja.
7. Rudraksha: Wear 2 mukhiRudraksha..

  • Colour: White
  • Shape / Cut: Elongate
  • Origin / Source: Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
  • Finish: Premium

Certification: Certified Natural Hessonite (Gomed)Stone of best quality from Sri Lanka with Gem Testing Report from reputed laboratory

  • Chemical Formula: (Na,Ca)Al1-2Si3-2O8
  • Hardness: 6 to 6.5
  • Crystal System: Elongate
  • Refractive Index: 1.53 – 1.57
  • SG: 2.56 to 2.65
  • Transparency: Opaque
  • Double Refraction: 0.0008
  • Luster: Vitreous to adamantine
  • Cleavage: None, but may exhibit parting
  • Mineral Class: Orthoclase

Note: As a complimentary service, all are gemstones purchased from Shubhpuja.com are propitiated / energized with mantras by our highly revered Indian Vedic Brahmins as per the customer’s details